
The Godly Pirates

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Chap. 8-Mananambal. Island of Healers:

“Woo-hoo!” Sekhmet cheered, as she sat on the cobra head. “We’re finally going on a journey!”
“Yeah, I wonder which island we’ll end up at first,” Anbus said.
“I hope they have a lot of things to fight on it,” Zeus said.
“Food!” Hathor hollered as she walked onto the deck with four trays of four.
“Sweet!” Anubis said, sitting at the table Zeus had set up on deck recently.
Hathor layed out four bowls of ramen.
One was chicken (Sekhmet), a second was beef (Anubis), the third was shrimp (Zeus), and the last was pork (Hathor).
“Oh! Ramen! My favorite!” Sekhmet said, starting to eat.
“I figured I’d start with something simple for you guys after helping get away from the Marines and getting my recipe book back,” Hathor said. “How’s your ramen, Zeus-san?”
Sekhmet and Anubis noted she asked their trainer that very flirtatiously.
“Is she flirting with him?” Sekhmet whispered to her brother.
“I think so,” Anubis said.
“It’s great, thanks for asking,” Zeus said, smiling at the girl.
Hathor turned away, blushing.
“Hey Hathor, how old are you?” Sekhmet asked.
“I’m 19, why?” Hathor stated.
“Really! You look like you’re 16!” Anubis exclaimed.
“I get that a lot,” Hathor laughed.
A few days later, Sekhmet was asleep in her bed when a loud thump woke her up.
“What was that?” she asked herself.
She jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes, and ran outside. Their ship was docked at a bay near and island.
“An island!” she exclaimed.
“Sweet! Our first island!” Anubis shouted.
“An island?” Hathor said as she and Zeus walked outside next.
“I wonder if they have any monsters there that are worth fighting,” Zeus said.
“Is that all you think of?” Anubis asked the trainer.
“Well yeah, I could use a beast to train you guys,” Zeus said.
“Maybe there are people here!” Sekhmet said jumping off the ship and running onto the island into an area of woods.
“Hey! Get back here!” Zeus shouted, going after her.
“Wait for me!” Anubis added, taking off as well.
“Hold it!” Hathor said, running after them.
After everyone was gone, a figure climbed onto the ship and entered the quarters. She looked through the drawers of Sekhmet’s room until she came across the pictures of Jabra: the photo Athena showed them a few years ago, and the recent newspaper clipping of him as a fugitive.
“Jabra,” the person read.
The teens and young adults made their way through the woods, with Sekhmet in the lead. She was getting overexcited about the new island. She had to know what sort of wildlife and people were on it. Then, sometime later, she saw a stone temple of some sort.
“Hey, I see something up ahead!” she hollered to her friends.
The group stopped in front of the stone structure and took a few moments to examine. It was a tall stone temple that had moss and a few plants growing on it. It also seemed to be crumbling in some parts.
“What is this place?” Zeus asked.
“I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure it’s a temple of some sort,” Hathor said. “I wonder what it’s for.”
Sekhmet climbed to the top of the temple and looked out into the distance to see if she could see someone or a town of some sort.
“Sekhmet, what are you doing? Get down!” Zeus shouted.
“I’m trying to see if I can see someone,” Sekhmet stated.
“I know but I don’t want anyone seeing us! If someone does live here, how do we know if they’re friendly?” Zeus asked.
“I don’t know; guess we’re going to find out!” Anubis said.
Then there was a few rustles from the woods around them.
“Who goes there?” Zeus asked.
Within seconds, before anyone knew it, they were surrounded by a bunch of people holding swords, knives or spears.
“Great,” Hathor groaned.
“Sweet! A fight!” Anubis said. He turned into his half-wolf Zoan form. “Let’s get it started."
Zeus cracked his knuckles as Sekhmet jumped off from the temple and turned into her lioness Zoan form.
Hathor sighed, “Looks like I have no choice.”
She turned into her cow Zoan form.
The people started to attack the pirates. Sekhmet clawed at them, trying to get them to stay back. Whenever she scratched one of them, he or she would run away, but she noticed they would come back with a bandage of some sort.
“Who are these guys?” she wondered to herself.
Anubis and Zeus attacked whatever warrior went near them, sending them into a tree or a rock. Hathor did the same thing.
“I can’t tell if we’re winning or losing!” Anubis shouted.
“I can’t tell either!” Zeus said.
Then, before he could prevent it, someone jabbed a blade into Zeus’s side, making him cry out in agony.
“ZEUS!” Sekhmet, Anubis, and Hathor shouted.
Zeus fell to the ground as blood dripped out of his wound.
“Crud! We need to get him out of here!” Anubis said.
“Even if we do, how do we help him? We don’t have any medical skills,” Sekhmet said just when she felt something hit her on the back of her head.
She fell to the ground and blacked out.
Sometime later, Sekhmet woke up in a bed of some sort. For a moment, she thought she was back on the ship and that it was all just a dream, until she noticed a fire burning in a furnace.
“There’s no furnace on the ship,” Sekhmet muttered.
She sat up to realize she was sleeping on a bed of reeds and was inside a hut of some sort. A few moments later, an elderly woman walked into the room.
“Oh, you’re awake,” she rasped.
“Who are you? Where am I?” Sekhmet had to know. “Where are my brothers?”
“Relax; you’re on the island on the Grand Line named Mananambal, the Island of Healers. I’m Rosemary, one of the village elders and most skilled doctor. Your brothers are okay and in other huts. Our warriors hurt them pretty badly. The cow girl is okay too,” the old woman explained.
“Why’d they attack us?” Sekhmet asked.
“You were standing on our temple and they thought you were being disrespectful to our god,” Rosemary told the lion girl.
“I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to do that. I just wanted to get a better look around the island,” Sekhmet said.
“That’s what I told them, but they wouldn’t listen,” Rosemary said, shaking her head. “You’re good enough to move around. The hit wasn’t bad enough to give you a concussion.”
Sekhmet jumped out of bed and walked up to the old woman.
“Where are my brothers and the cow girl?” she asked.
“I’ll take you to them,” Rosemary said.
The elder led the pirate out of the hut to a small village of either wooden, reed, or stone huts and houses. There were a lot of people working on batches of herbs it seemed, since the entire place smelled like every herb Sekhmet could think of.  
“What’s your name?” Rosemary asked.
“Sekhmet,” Sekhmet said.
“So I see, named after the lioness goddess of vengeance and lions,” Rosemary said. “Are you vengeful?”
“No, but I’m on a mission to gather a crew so I can go and find my father,” Sekhmet stated.
“Who is your father?” Rosemary asked.
“You probably never heard of him; his name is Jabra. He’s part of CP9,” Sekhmet said.
“I’ve heard of them. They were in the newspaper. Something about Enies lobby getting blown up and them becoming fugitives,” Rosemary said.
“I kind of figured.”
Rosemary led Sekhmet toward a hut just when Anubis was coming out of it.
“Sekhmet! You’re alive!” he exclaimed, hugging his sister very tight.
“Good to see you well, too, Anubis,” Sekhmet said, trying to breathe.
Zeus and Hathor showed up next.
“Well, looks like we’re all okay,” Zeus said.
“Who are you people?” Rosemary asked.
“We’re the Godly Pirates,” Sekhmet stated.
“Pirates? You’re not going to attack our village are you?” Rosemary asked.
“No, we’re not bad, and also, our crew it still sort of small,” Sekhmet stated.
“I see,” Rosemary said.
“So you’re an Island of healers? Maybe now is a good time to find a skilled doctor,” Zeus said.
“We have a lot of doctors here, but I’m not sure if any of them will be willing to work with pirates,” Rosemary said.
“I’m willing,” said a girl’s voice.
Everyone looked to see a girl about 21 walk into the village. She had fair skin, long and wavy black hair, and dark green eyes. She was wearing a white and light blue Indian style dress with the one thick strap, blue strapped sandals, a white tank top under the dress, a white scarf with blue tassels on it, and a gold band crown with a sapphire in the middle of it.
“I’m Isis, the Healor Goddess,” she said.

So now our heroes are in Mananambal, island of Healers. Mananambal is Cubuano for healer, which is how I came up with the name, and now, we're going to meet Isis, the next possible member for the crew. Is she really going to join the Godly Pirates?

I own Sekhmet, Anubis, Zeus, Hathor, Isis, Rosemary, and the Island

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